BATTLELORE Bassist Launches New Project DARK ELITE; Debut EP Available For Free Download

May 17, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news battlelore ep dark elite

BATTLELORE Timo Honkanen recently contacted BW&BK; to announce the launch of his new band project dubbed, DARK ELITE. They have released their first promotional EP, available for free download. Full length tracks can be heard using the audio player below.

The tracks can be downloaded for free at

Dark Elite is:

T. Honkanen - guitars

H. Hyytiäinen - bass

E. Keränen - vocals

E. A. - drums

Songs are composed produced by Honkanen, recorded by Honkanen and Hyytiäinen, mixed and mastered by Hyytiäinen.

On April 29th, 2011, Battlelore performed for close to an hour at the Ragnarök Festival 2011 in Lichtenfels, Germany, which took place at the Stadthalle. The complete show has surfaced on YouTube, filmed by a single camera from the venue's balcony. Check it out below:

Battlelore recently issued the following message to their fans:

"Battlelore played their – for the time being – last show abroad in Belgium, at Metal Female Voices Festival IX, on Friday October 21st 2011. After that the band is going on an indefinite break from touring and making music. This is not the end, however, just a time-out to focus on other aspects of life and build up more creative energy for the future. The plan is to play one more show in Finland before the break to thank the Finnish fans for their support over the years. The details of the last show are not confirmed yet but will be announced as soon as the information comes.

There’s no drama behind the decision to go on break, just a need to take a step back and have a breather. We want to thank all of our associates and supporters for the help and work over the past nearly 12 years, we’ve been lucky to have met and worked with such wonderful people! The biggest thanks definitely go to our amazing fans, without whom none of this would’ve been possible. We are honoured to have met you all and are humbled by your generosity and support! You all have a place in our hearts and we will always cherish the amazing moments we’ve shared with you on and off stage.

Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo. (A star shines on the hour of our meeting.)"

Keyboardist Maria Honkanen checked in with the following update in the wake of footage from their Metal Female Voices Fesctival IX show surfacing on YouTube:

"On stage abroad for the last time before taking a breather. Bittersweet, absolutely amazing, and will bring a huge smile to my face for years to come! I would not change a moment I've shared with my second family on and off stage. Through the good and bad, WE ARE THE LEGIONS!"

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