DECEASED's Kim Fowley Looks Back On Luck Of The Corpse - "It’s Sloppy, Rushed And Poorly Mixed, But It Was Us Then And That's How It Should Be"

May 30, 2012, 12 years ago

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Mark Morton at recently caught up with DECEASED drummer/vocalist Kim Fowley to discuss the reissue of the band's1991 debut album, Luck Of The Corpse. An excerpt is available below:

Q: Would you say that this is THE definitive edition of Luck Of The Corpse?

Fowley: "Sorta; they all are. It varies each time. This has new bonus material and all. It’s the best one yet."

Q: How long did the remastering take, and how involved was the process?

Fowley: "I just EQ'ed it up a bit and put in a bit more low end that Relapse lost in their mastering eons ago."

Q: Performance-wise, was there anything about Luck Of The Corpse that you wish you could have gone back and re-recorded?

Fowley: "It is always looking back what it is. It’s sloppy, rushed and poorly mixed, but it was us then and that's how it should be."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions recently reissued Luck Of The Corpse on CD format. The album features restored artwork taken from the film Black Sabbath, remastered audio and includes the unreleased 1990 Raw Demo plus a never before heard version of ‘Feasting On Skulls’ recorded in 1998.

Luck Of The Corpse can be ordered at this location.

Tracklisting is as follows:

‘Fading Survival’

‘The Cemetary's Full’

‘Experimenting With Failure’

‘Futuristic Doom’

‘Haunted Cerebellum’

‘Decrepit Coma’

‘Shrieks From The Hearse’

‘Psychedelic Warriors’

‘Feasting On Skulls’

‘Birth By Radiation’


‘Fading Survival’ (1990 demo)

‘Psychedelic Warriors’ (1990 demo)

‘Experimenting With Failure’ (1990 demo)

‘Industrial Tumor’ (1990 demo)

‘Feasting On Skulls’ (1990 demo)

‘Terrifying Specters’ (1990 demo)

‘Feasting On Skulls’ (1998 re-recording)

The track ‘Fading Survival’ can be heard below:

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