SADUS, DRAGONLORD, FUTURES END Drummer Jon Allen - "If You're A Musician You'll Play Anything"

June 6, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news dragonlord sadus futures end

Koma have issued a new interview with drummer Jon Allen (SADUS, DRAGONLORD, FUTURES END, AC/DZ, ex-TESTAMENT). Read below:

Q: First of all, we're aware you've been through a surgery on your leg! What happened? is everything OK?

A: "Yes, I've been diagnosed with a condition that develops blood clots in my leg, I needed to have a surgery and I did, I have been rehabilitating it and now it is OK!"

Q: Your last work in the studio is Futures End, Memoirs of a Broken Man, which is absolutely fantastic, but It's made from very different, may I say, types of musicians, you know guys from such different bands. Was that challenging?? 'Cause you came from thrash bands like Sadus and Testament and jumped into a prog band.

A: "I wouldn't say challenging, I mean It's really different from the bands that I came from, I can tell you that! But If you're a musician, you'll play anything. I'll bet if you ask metalheads around the world, they will say they listen to other types of music not only metal, sure some will lie about it, but in general everybody likes many types of music and this is the truth, so not really challenging for me but more creatively fun to play different genres."

Q: Now, we've always wondered what was your beginning in music, how did you decide to play? How old, stuff like that -

you went to school or was it mostly learning by yourself?

A: "I was about 13 or 14 when I got really into music, and really started to play, I guess I was about 13 so I got my first drums annnnd…. I was really awful man. But then I got the basics like AC/DC and those things, then I was slowly growing up listening a lot of RUSH and LED ZEPPELIN and then I kept moving on to harder stuff, I was 13 - I am 43 now, so It was a long road, but I definitely taught myself."

Q: Now, let's talk about Sadus, How did it get started? How did you guys meet?

A: "Dude, How far back do you want me to go? 'Cause I can go back to me and Steve DiGiorgio as best friends in high school, into the same type of music and playing together. We had some projects before Sadus, playing BLACK SABBATH and stuff, and we were once playing at a party, and at the end of the show Darren and Rob came to us and invited us to play with them,

they said, 'Hey, It's really heavy stuff you guys are into it?', and we just said 'Yes'! Then we stuck together and begun to play and… that was it, that's how we met. I mean, we kind of knew who they were before that, but that party was the crucial point! I remember that at this same party, Rob plugged into an amp and started playing some riffs and bang his head all alone

You could see fire in his eyes; so, that's the kind of memory that sticks into your head!"

Q: Well, now that you mention him, tell us about Rob, Why did he leave? And how did you guys dealt with his departure?

A: "Ohhh, I nnew this was coming, I knew you were going to ask that. Well man, we were going to pick up gear for a gig, I don't really remember where, and Rob just didn't show up, I mean, we rehearsed the day before, and everything was set for the gig, but he didn't show up; and that was the first time we played as a three-piece, Instead of cancelling the show, we went there and played as a three-piece, that's how we dealt with it. But about why he left… I don't know man, I guess one day he decided he was done playing with us. When you're not happy with what are you doing is kind of hard to keep it up, I mean we had our differences, not really musically, it was some personal differences but it was not It! I think when you join a band, you join a family. And if you think there's something wrong with this family it's kind of hard to let it go."

Q: How do you feel about Sadus' career? I mean, you guys are such an awesome band and did not have the recognition that you deserve. Do you feel that there is much to come for you guys rather invest in other projects?

A: "Well, I can't really speak for the guys but, I would like to have a new Sadus album, we have some material that we never recorded, but you know things are different now, we listen to other stuff, we do other stuff. And as you get older, you think a little more before making music, you don't do straight stuff! So I would like to come up with Sadus again, but we need time."

Q: Can we expect another Sadus tour???

A: "Ohhh, I would really like that!! But as I said It's hard, 'cause you know, I live in Texas now, It's a little away from the guys, and it's not like we're gonna jump into the studio and rehearse for two months before a tour, things are different. We don't get a lot of offers about that, but I wouldn't say we will decline every offer. If we get an offer that would not come from all from our pockets I guess we could do a small tour, I mean we would reeeeaaaally think about It before saying no!"

Q: To wrap it up, one album that you recommend and one that you would take a dump on it?

A: (laughts) That's an unfair question man! Well, I've never really thought about taking a dump on an album, but recommending? Let me see... I don't' know man, I've been listening to a lot of different stuff lately so I don't know, I guess SOEN has a really nice album, it's not thrash but It's really great, Ii's from my bass player (Steve Digiorgio). So I would never take a dump on it.

It's a tricky question man, I don't think I can say that properly, 'cause music it's all about taste, what may sound crap to me, it may sound great to you, what may sound like crap to you, it may sound great to me so, it's unfair to take a dump on an album!"

(Enter Jon's girlfriend, Beth)

Beth: "Hey, surprise information, Jon's recording a new album with Dragonlord and with Futures End as well , ask him about that to put this in your blog."

Q: Thank you Beth! Soooo you're still with Dragonlord?? I wasn't aware of that!!

A: "Yes, I am with Dragonlord, I suppose Dragonlord's new album will come up at the end of this year, I can't give out any big information, but I can say that this new album may please Sadus fans because it is intense. And about Futures End, we already have ten songs ready, it's just getting into the studio and recording tracks!"

Q: You guys got some awards with Memoirs Of A Broken Man right ?

A: "Yeah, we got best prog album, there were big bands in dispute, like DREAM THEATER, so that was like a big award. I know BRUCE DICKINSON likes us, hehehe, he mentioned that he liked us on his old radio show. It was a surprise because we're really proggy, but this kind of recognition is good."

Q : Any Messages to Brazillian fans??

A: "Any message to Brazil? After 30 years and touring and recording that when I go down there the old fans stick with us and new fans show up too. It's always consistent and we have always loved playing. Not to mention the food and people are hella cool. I will always look forward to coming back."

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