THIN LIZZY "Enters The Recording Studio Tomorrow"

June 24, 2012, 12 years ago

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THIN LIZZY guitarist Damon Johnson has issued the following update via his official Twitter page:

"Thin Lizzy enters the recording studio tomorrow...with electric guitars and amps a'blazin'; and Brian Downey's full drum kit!"

In a recent interview with Rock Fusion, current Thin Lizzy frontman Ricky Warwick (THE ALMIGHTY) says the band have been in the studio.

"We’ve just been working on some ideas that we all have," Warwick reveals. "We all write in the band so we’ve just been sitting down and playing each other our stuff, and it’s been really great. I mean it’s really early days, but everyone’s very excited and got loads of ideas, and we’re all working really great together as a band, and that’s what it’s all about, let’s get in there and see what ideas we have and take it from there. It was all very productive and we all had a great time, were back in next week so we will just take it from there and see what happens. Ideally we’d love to record as much as we can, but obviously it’s got to be to a great fucking standard, we’re all as nervous about it as the fans, but in a good way. The bar has been set very high and we will only release what we 100% believe in, whether that’s two tracks or 12 tracks, I mean I’d love it to be a full album but well just need to take it as it goes.

Are there any plans for a live DVD in the future?

"Yeah there’s talk about that further down the line," Warwick adds. "I mean VH1 are revisiting us, they’re updating Behind the Music to include the new members in the band. Last year was all about re-establishing the band, the brand and the name and showing that what we have is something very real, and I think we’ve got over that hump now and this year we can move on. It’s a case of taking it one step at a time, Thin Lizzy fans are very passionate and so loyal, you can’t just go look the hands back together here’s an album, here’s a tour, and your going fucking like it. You’ve got to do it one bit at a time and win people over, and that’s what we’re doing, like I said at the end of the day we are all fans too."

Read more at Rock Fusion.

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