CHTON Sign With Godeater Records For Upcoming Album

June 26, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news chton

Norwegian death metal band CHTON have announced that their upcoming sophomore album, The Devil Builds, will be released on CD and vinyl in collaboration with German label Godeater Records. The CD will be released in fall 2012 and the vinyl is planned for release in early winter 2013. The digital release of the album will be handled by Morningstar Music.

The album will feature 10 songs. Some of the songs set to appear on The Devil Builds include 'Faustian Resolve', 'Gods Of The Flesh' and 'Babalon And The Beast Conjoined'.

"he Devil Builds was recorded and produced at Morningstar Studio with Arnt Obsidian Grønbech at the helm. The album was mixed by Stamos Koliousis at 210 Studio in Berlin, known for earlier work with NATTEFROST, GEHENNA and VREID, among others.

Updates to follow. More on Chton at this location.

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