CRYSTAL EYES Part Ways With Guitarist Paul Petterson; Announce Return Of Niclas Karlsson

July 3, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news crystal eyes

Borås, Sweden-based metallers CRYSTAL EYES check in with the following band lineup news:

"(Guitarist) Paul (Petterson) is out of the band and we're ready for another chapter. We're now extremely happy to welcome back Niclas Karlsson and are looking forward to once again share the path of heavy metal with this great guitarist.

If you know your Crystal Eyes's history you know that Niclas started the band with Mikael in 1992, quit the band after short break in 1995, got back between 2006-2007 and has played with Mikael in the JUDAS PRIEST tribute band, DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH, since the dawn of time."

More on Crystal Eyes at this location.

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