EYECONOCLAST Sign With Prosthetic Records; To Enter The Studio This Month

July 11, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news eyeconoclast

Prosthetic Records has announced the signing of ripping death-metal maniacs EYECONOCLAST. Formed in 2003 in Rome, Italy, the band have developed into a crushing force of blasting death-thrash metal, with former members of HOUR OF PENANCE and FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE in their ranks and several underground releases under their belts.

Having caught the attention of Prosthetic Records, who eagerly signed the band, Eyeconoclast are currently preparing to enter the studio on July 21st to record their debut for the label, about which more details of this release will be announced shortly. It's also the perfect time for the band to unveil new vocalist, Giuseppe Di Giorgio, whose guttural talents will be premiered on this upcoming opus.

The band commented upon the new signing: "We are very proud to announce a worldwide deal with Prosthetic Records. This is the right boost to spread Eyeconoclast music throughout planet Earth, and we feel very excited for this achievement after years of death metal training within the underground. We are back with a new label and a new singer, so guys say welcome to Giuseppe Di Giorgio, a killer vocalist and great frontman that you'll see in our next shows! We are going to start recording our next full-length on July 21st, in our guitar player - Stefano Morabito's - 16th Cellar Studio. Stay tuned for more album details, but know this: it will be faster, heavier and louder than anything else you've listened before! Headbang is the law."

More on Eyeconoclast at this location.

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