XANDER DEMOS Announces Winner Of Album Artwork Contest

July 17, 2012, 11 years ago

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Metal guitar virtuoso XANDER DEMOS and MTS Management Group, in partnership with Rock ‘N’ Growl Records, has announced the winner of the recently announced Get My Guitarcadia Artwork On album art contest.

The contest ran for two weeks, during which fans were encouraged to submit their original designs for the re-release of Demos’ album, Guitarcadia.

Entries were received from all corners of the world, with the winning entry coming from Sami Ahvenainen, a 23 year old graphic design student from Finland.

Ahvenainen commented: “I’m stunned! Speechless! In the beginning my art was not free, but as time went on I figured that it is more inspiring – easier for me to create and help bands if my art was free. A big thank you from the band is a good enough reward for me, I love music, I want to help out, and this is a great way for me to do so!”

Demos commented: “This artwork is badass! I can’t wait to get the album out there with this new look. Congratulations and thank you, Sami!”

Check out the winning artwork below:

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