July 26, 2012, 12 years ago

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ORANGE GOBLIN, ASOMVEL, DARK FOREST, STUKA SQUADRON, STILETTO FARM, MERCENARY, ELIMINATOR and SOLSTICE are the acts confirmed for the Full Moon Dog Festival, in honour of Asomvel founder and front-man, Jay-Jay Winter.

A press release reads:

Remember the '80s? The days when hoards of metal fans would cram into local venues to see their favourite bands for a meagre couple of quid and ‘social networking’ meant actually getting off your backside and leaving the house! Well, we're bringing back the '80’s!! Nine great heavy metal bands for a mere £15. This is what Jay would want – a festival in his honour, affordable to ALL heavy metal fans – just like the good old days! This one’s for you Jay-Jay – and anyone else who yearns for better days!?

?Full Moon Dog Festival is being held at The Cockpit in Leeds, UK on Saturday, October 13th. As if this wasn’t enough – hot on the heels of their latest film, a documentary starring Hollywood icon, Mickey Rooney, Starjack Entertainment will have their crew at the festival and are producing a film entitled: Madder Than A Full Moon Dog - Backstage And Centre Stage At Full Moon Dog 2012??Music, backstage, band & crowd interviews, and general madness and mayhem will all be part of this hilarious must-see film - and you can pre-order your copy now from

The first 100 people to pre-order will be listed in the film’s credits as: The following people have been officially declared "Madder Than A Full Moon Dog."

Producer/director Deborah Louise Robinson: "This is a festival created by the fans, for the fans – and it has real heart, and let me tell you why. On October 18th, 2010 my brother, Jay (pictured below), tragically lost his life in a car accident at the age of 43 – our world would never be the same again. I knew right then that focusing on his death would ultimately have me sitting in a strait-jacket and drooling.

I had to focus on his life, to let the world know something about the uniquely inspiring individual he was. And the truth is, he wasn’t just my brother, he was yours too…back in October 2010, the heavy metal community lost one of their own. Jay- Jay Winter, founder and front-man of Asomvel, a man who lived for the genre, a man of honour, pride, and integrity, and a man in possession of the most hilarious quick-wit you could imagine – a man, who, once met, could never be forgotten. Every person who met Jay is a better person for it – and it is for the people that never got to meet him that Full Moon Dog Festival was created. Festivals should not only be for those heavy metal fans with deep pockets and designer clothes – they should be accessible to all, and our aim is to use the proceeds from the festival and the DVD to grow the festival each year, while still keeping the ticket price low – ensuring that Jay’s music and memory will shimmer through the ages."

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