MY RUIN Vocalist Tarrie B. Murphy - "Touring Is Not For Everyone, And Some People Simply Don’t Know How To Conduct Themselves Like Adults Or Handle The Pressure"

August 3, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news my ruin

Armchair Critic recently caught up with MY RUIN vocalist Tairrie B. Murphy. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Q: Have you ever considered covering any early rock ‘n’ roll tunes, and giving it the My Ruin injection? I’d love to hear you do something like Lavern Baker’s version of ‘Hey Memphis’ or Bo Diddley’s ‘Who do you love?’.

Tairrie: "I love doing covers but in order for us to record someone else’s material the music and lyrics must really to speak to us and we have to be able to relate on a personal level or there’s no real point. Those are both great tunes but I can’t imagine recording either for My Ruin especially with Mick (Murphy/guitars) being from Knoxville, not Memphis, Tennessee. We are actually working on a cover of a blues song from the fifties for our next album. It’s a song I have always wanted to record and put my own twist on vocally by an artist I have loved for years. I think it may really surprise people when they hear it and find out who originally inspired it."

Q: What is your favourite My Ruin song of the moment?

Tairrie: "We are currently in pre-production writing and recording demos so I’m deep in the mood of our new album. I don’t want to reveal any song titles yet so I will have to say 'Deconsecrated' off our current album because we have just released a new video for it which was filmed on our last UK tour and edited by Tor Burrows of Notorious Design."

Q: When relations within the band sour do you ever find yourself compromising your opinion for the sake of others?

Tairrie: "Not usually. I’ve always been very vocal when it comes to my opinions, especially when someone is compromising my comfort or the integrity of our band by putting us at risk with their behavior, which has happened more than a few times on the road and is one of the reasons we have had some of the line up changes we have with various drummers and bass players over the years. Touring is not for everyone and some people simply don’t know how to conduct themselves like adults or handle the pressure of being on the road and all that comes along with it. It can become amateur hour real quick when you’re dealing with a new jack or a rockstar attitude. That’s the type of thing I won’t tolerate and refuse to compromise myself on. You have to work as a team on tour, respect each other, yourself and everyone’s personal space. Someone can be in your band for a while and you may think you know them but you never really know someone until you spend time with them on the road. This is where the truth comes out."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

The band's latest album A Southern Revelation is still available for free download at Check out BW&BK;'s review of the album here.

The tracklist is as follows:

'Tennessee Elegy'

'Highly Explosive'

'Walk Of Shame'


'Middle Finger'


'Seventh Sacrament'


'The Soulless Beast'

'Mean Street' (VAN HALEN cover)

Check out BW&BK; scribe Carl Begai's recent interview with My Ruin here.

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