HIRAX Frontman Katon W. De Pena Featured In New Video Interview

August 4, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news hirax

HIRAX singer Katon W. De Pena is featured in a new interview with Slayed In Oregon, found below. It was conducted prior to the band's Portland show back in June:

As previously reported, Hirax are recording their fourth full-length studio album with legendary producer/engineer Bill Metoyer (SLAYER, W.A.S.P., MORBID ANGEL, ARMORED SAINT, DARK ANGEL, SACRED REICH, etc.) at Skull Seven Studio in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.

The band have uploaded Part 1 of their studio video diary series detailing the recordings. Watch below:

The new album will be released worldwide via singer De Pena’s own label, Black Devil Records. Hirax previously released an audio recording of a new song, 'La Boca de la Bestia' (Mouth Of The Beast), captured at band rehearsal on a Zoom H4 digital recorder. Listen to the track below:

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