KROKUS Enter Abbey Road Studios - New Album Title Revealed

August 27, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news krokus

For the next couple of weeks KROKUS producer and bassist Chris Von Rohr along with vocalist Marc Storace are laying down bass and vocal tracks at no other than London’s Abbey Road Studios for the band’s new album. Coincidentally, THE BEATLES, the band who made this studio famous are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. Sound engineer for the recording sessions is again Dennis Ward (UNISONIC), who also recorded our last album Hoodoo.

The working title for Krokus’ 17th studio album is Dirty Dynamite.

Producer Chris Von Rohr promises: “The new songs sound like dirty dynamite: pure, dirty, in your face hard rock with a touch of blues.”

Adds Marc Storace: “We’ve been taking the time it needs writing for our next rock album and we guarantee that it definitely will contain no fillers!”

Stay tuned for more news to follow shortly.

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