MORGOTH Issue Comeback Recap

October 1, 2012, 11 years ago

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German death metallers MORGOTH check in with the following recap:

"After all the great experiences we made on the Cursed Reunion so far, the time is now come to have a closer look at the past 18 months of Morgoth's comeback, which has successfully reconnected us with many old friends as well as also a lot of new fans.

Summer Breeze and Brutal Assault marked the last two festival appearances which we had scheduled as part of this long journey through time. This reunion has been an amazing run, truly full of awesome experiences which we will cherish for a very long time. Our songs are about 20 years old by now and even though we had been absent from stages for about 13 of those years, we nevertheless managed to once again set free the raw energy of our classic death metal style in a powerful way.

Our initial concept was to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Cursed album’s release for only one summer season. This now ended up being almost two eventful years, if you consider that the reunion’s preparation already started around November 2010. During this return, we thankfully also managed to visit several countries where we originally had never managed to play. We are happy and proud for this awesome opportunity!

After all this recent action, we have now decided to take things slower again to be able to review the reunion on a more personal level and then to be able to gain some distance from things before deciding upon our next steps with the band.

By playing two final club-shows in Berlin and Essen in early November, we intend to finish off the Cursed Reunion cycle with a personal vibe and a more intimate atmosphere. We are sure it will be a hot and loud farewell, so we are really looking forward to your participation! We are hearing that the pre-sales for these gigs are moving forwards quite quickly, so better hurry up and order your tickets!

In December we will then further celebrate ‘our own final journey to hell’ by taking part of the Barge To Hell cruise in the Caribbean, where we are set to commence our “time-off” in great style ;-)

However, we would like to stress that we don’t categorically rule out the possibility for some little bits of live-activity also in 2013. “Never say never”... just like this whole Cursed Reunion will have already clearly demonstrated!

By the way, a heavy load of Morgoth can be obtained on the Cursed To Live live-release that is available since June as DVD and Live-CD/LP, documenting the Cursed Reunion for all eternity. We are especially proud of the DVD, not only because it is a first one for us, but also because we had never initially planned to make any type of release as part of this reunion... but somehow and luckily, things happened to work out just great in the end!

We would like to sincerely and especially thank all you death metal maniacs, our awesome crew, our management, our label Century Media and of course also our friends and families for the incredibly positive backing and support you gave us in front and behind stages as part of the Cursed Reunion.

Tour dates:


2 - Berlin, Germany – H.O.F. 23
3 - Essen, Germany – Turock


3-7 - Barge To Hell Cruise (Florida – Bahamas)

More on Morgoth at this location.

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