DEUS OTIOSUS - Godless Album Due In November; Details Revealed, Track Streaming

October 25, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news deus otiosus

Deepsend Records will release Godless, the new album from Danish old school death metallers DEUS OTIOSUS, on November 20th. The Danes' sophomore effort (and first for Deepsend) is the follow-up to debut album Murderer, which was released by FDA Rekotz and American Line Productions.

Album track 'Pest Grave' is streaming below:

Visit the Deepsend Records webstore for ordering information, here.

In a world where no god watches or guides, humankind is left to fend for itself like feral children. And in this world, horror and cruelty of every unspeakable kind lives and breathes amongst us. These horrors are echoed in Godless. This is old school death metal with nuances of black and thrash, creating a heavy, down-tuned force that will appease the servants of Hell while they slave for their sins.


'Snakes Of The Low'

'In Harm's Way'

'New Dawn'

'Pest Grave'

'Surrounded By The Dead'

'Cast From Heaven'

'Face The Enemy'

'Death Dance'

More on Deus Otiosus at this location.

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