VAINGLORY Post New Song Online For Halloween

October 30, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news vainglory

Atlanta-based VAINGLORY, featuring former CHASTAIN vocalist Kate French and guitarist Corbin King, have posted the new song 'Prophesy' online. Kate has issued the following update:

"Here's a brand new song. Vainglory's gift to you for Halloween. This track was written for a horror movie. The plot was a madman murderer traps seven girls representing the seven deadly sins in a house killing them one by one. One survives and kills the murderer. I decided to write it from her perspective. I usually write from what I feel; it's different writing to make a song fit a scenario. So, enjoy and have a fantastic Halloween."

Vainglory recently signed a management deat with the Houston-based Penley Management Group. Go to this location for information and updates.

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