JOE STUMP - "On My New Record I Decided To Step Up My Game A Few More Notches To Silence Any Non-Believers"

December 6, 2012, 11 years ago

news joe stump riff notes

Guitarist JOE STUMP (HOLYHELL, RAVEN LORD) is featured in a new interview with Dan McAvinchey at Guitar Nine. An excerpt is available below:

Dan McAvinchey: Retribution, retaliation, payback, an eye for an eye, Virtuostic Vendetta, Revenge Of The Shredlord - anything our readers should extract or infer from this in terms of your offstage life?

Joe Stump: "Nah, I just try and come up with something that sounds bad-ass and cool. Playing all that intense technical shred stuff is much easier than coming up with the proper album title after so many solo records. If I was going to retaliate it'd be against some of those ignorant internet morons and wannabe players that like to talk shit about me. So on my new record I decided to step up my game a few more notches to silence any non-believers."

Dan McAvinchey: The intensity and technical brilliance are still emphasized on your albums - I don't think we're ready for the Joe Stump acoustic record just yet - do you?

Joe Stump: "I'm very dedicated to my craft and always trying in improve in all aspects of my playing and composing. It seems like the older I get the faster, more controlled and intense my playing becomes. I'm quite fortunate in that I get to do quite a bit of live playing and touring and in my opinion there's nothing better for your playing. No, definitely no signs of letting up at this point, although I would like to do a bluesy/retro hard rock record some time in the future. I've had those types of tunes on my various records but this would be a full record in that direction. A cool idea for down the road a bit."

Click here for the complete interview.

Stump's new album, Revenge Of The Shredlord, is out now via Lion Music.

"Revenge Of The Shredlord is quite heavy and classically influenced," Stump remarked recently. "This one’s all metal from start to finish, very dark and focused with gratuitous amounts of shredding throughout. Also, thanks to the great work of engineer Ducky Carlise and mastering engineer Maor Appelbaum, it’s my best sounding record to date as well."

Revenge Of The Shredlord contains the following 12 songs:

'The Ritual Begins'

'Man Your Battlestations'


'Shredlord's Sonata'

'Master's Prelude'

'In The Master's House'

'The Black Knight's Castle'

'Enter The Coven'

'Evil Beasts Below'

'Strat Outa Hell'

'White Knuckle Mayhem'

'The End Approaches'

Check out audio samples from the entire album below:


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