TONY MARTIN On Contact With Former Bandmates In BLACK SABBATH - "The Phone Stopped Ringing 16 Years Ago And They Haven’t Spoken To Me Since"

January 7, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news black sabbath tony martin

In a new interview with Dan Swinhoe from the, former BLACK SABBATH singer Tony Martin talks about his history with the band and seemingly being "white washed from their history."

Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

On contact with his former bandmates in Black Sabbath: “The phone stopped ringing 16 years ago and they haven’t spoken to me since. I saw Iommi very briefly for a few hours in Russia a few years ago and he was very complimentary about me but after that I heard nothing. It surprises me. They never said anything to me. Surely, if you’ve got a problem, the first person you should say something to is the person that’s in the band with you, you don’t wait ten years. More fool them for not saying anything because we could have fixed it. I said to them, endlessly, that if there was anything they wanted changed, done differently, just to say and we could fix it, but clearly they hadn’t got the guts to, obviously, and to write about it in a book afterwards seems a bit daft to me. I’m not bitter about it, but it is surprising.”

His latest effort, Book Of Shadows, is around 2/3 done: “Book of shadows got put on hold of course because it’s a solo album and solo albums are the worst because you are too close to it and its never perfect. But apart from that you still have to pay the bills and so I do other projects too and that takes me away from the solo album. But I do intend to have all those re recorded and released.”

The other project fans had been waiting for was SILVER HORSES. Tony has said in interviews it consisted of ‘beautiful bluesy stuff, a kind of LED ZEPPELIN thing’ and we could expect it in 2013, but plans seem to have stalled. “Silver Horses is dead in the water right now. It turned nasty because they tried to release it without having the rights and contracts in place and we are fighting over the way forward,” he explains, adding how much of a shame it is. “As things are we don’t have a release, but we are still working on it and maybe we can recover it, but it doesn’t feel the same now.”


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