Rock Photographer JEREMY SAFFER And SoundCheck Hollywood’s Capturing Music: A Music Photography Seminar; More Details Revealed

January 22, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news jeremy saffer

Rock photographer JEREMY SAFFER recently announced new dates for his first west coast music photography seminar in conjunction with SoundCheck Hollywood, taking place on February 9th and 10th.

Saffer has now announced that NEW YEAR’S DAY will be the guest band for the seminar. The band will be there to answer questions about their personal experiences with photographers, then will do a live photo session with Jeremy Saffer, and finally they will be modelling for every student at the seminar so students get a chance to do a real one on one photo shoot with a national band, using on location lighting.

Jeremy is also announcing new, special pricing of just $300 for the two-day seminar. Tickets will cost just $200 for both days if you are a returning student. Also, for Musician’s Institute students, special two-day pricing is just $250.

SoundCheck Hollywood is located at 8872 Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood, CA.

Seminar details:

The two-day seminar and workshop will focus on portrait work with musicians and will cover the entire process - from setting up the photo shoot, scouting locations, posing, different types of lighting and lighting equipment for different situations, shooting endorsements, promotional images, CD layouts, and magazine layouts, to walking attendees through the process of what to do post-shoot, invoicing, getting repeat business, and even how to price yourself. Many other business aspects of being a professional photographer within the music industry will be discussed.

The first day will be the official seminar day, where all of the above is taught in the morning, as well as a lightroom and photoshop post processing tutorial. In the afternoon of day one, attendees will complete mock-photo shoots experimenting with different types of lighting equipment, lighting set-ups, poses, etc. Jeremy has also expanded the music photography business section even more, and will also include private portfolio critique for attendees that specifically request it.

On the second day of the seminar, attendees will experience a hands-on photo shoot of special guest bands done first by Jeremy (as a real-life example), and next by themselves! Attendees will take over and complete a real photo shoot with the band in various locations.

Hopeful attendees must act now; there are only 10 tickets available to this seminar!

On February 9th at 6 PM, SoundCheck Hollywood will re-open to the public for a brief meet and greet/signing where Jeremy will be signing his copies of his book Bring The Noise and will have exclusive limited edition prints available for purchase at a special one-time only price.

For more information and tickets, please visit this location.

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