JOE STUMP Working On Shred / Metal Instructional Guitar Book; Live Footage From Mexico Posted

January 23, 2013, 11 years ago

news joe stump riff notes

Guitarist JOE STUMP (HOLYHELL, RAVEN LORD) has issued the following update:

"My apologies for not updating the site, as I’ve been posting most of the more recent activity on the Facebook sites. First, thanks a ton for all the great comments and emails from fans and friends that I’ve gotten about the new record. I really appreciate it. This year I’ll be continuing to play shows in support of Revenge Of The Shredlord, so all live dates will be posted as soon as they’re confirmed.

I’m also working on a shred/metal guitar instructional book for Berklee Press that should be released later this year. The book will cover scales/scale fingerings, alternate picking, diatonic scale patterns, soloing ideas, neo-classical linear playing, open string techniques, string skipping, tremolo/double picking, sweep and economy picking, and many other things. There will be technique building etudes along with various metal pieces with backing tracks included. It’ll be a cool instructional tool for players on all levels.

Also, posted below, is some live footage from last November’s tour in Mexico. There are some great guitar and metal fans there and, as always, it was a fun trip."

Stump's new album, Revenge Of The Shredlord, is out now via Lion Music.

"Revenge Of The Shredlord is quite heavy and classically influenced," Stump remarked recently. "This one’s all metal from start to finish, very dark and focused with gratuitous amounts of shredding throughout. Also, thanks to the great work of engineer Ducky Carlise and mastering engineer Maor Appelbaum, it’s my best sounding record to date as well."

Revenge Of The Shredlord contains the following 12 songs:

'The Ritual Begins'

'Man Your Battlestations'


'Shredlord's Sonata'

'Master's Prelude'

'In The Master's House'

'The Black Knight's Castle'

'Enter The Coven'

'Evil Beasts Below'

'Strat Outa Hell'

'White Knuckle Mayhem'

'The End Approaches'


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