NIKKI SIXX Interviewed At NAMM; Full Audio Interview Available

January 30, 2013, 11 years ago

news rock hard nikki sixx namm

At this year's NAMM convention, MÖTLEY CRÜE/SIXX: A.M. bassist NIKKI SIXX unveiled a new signature bass line through Schecter Guitar Research. The bass is appropriately called the "SIXX" bass guitar.

In support of this new bass, Nikki made an appearance at NAMM, meeting his fans and signing autographs at the Schecter booth. After meeting his fans, Nikki sat down with BackstageAxxess and other outlets to talk about the new bass and how it came to fruition.

Says BackstageAxxess: "In addition to this question, BackstageAxxess asked Nikki about the switch from his longtime company, Gibson, to Schecter. We also talked about his best selling book Heroin Diaries becoming a Broadway play and the future of both Mötley Crüe and Sixx: A.M. Plus, we dove into his success with his current radio show Sixx Sense which will be celebrating its third anniversary soon. Lastly we asked how he balances out his current daily schedule. There were additional questions being asked by other outlets but as you will see, BackstageAxxess covered all the bases within the limited time we had. However, we thought our readers would like the full, unedited version of the conversation with Nikki so we decided to include the entire audio excerpt with all 4 outlets."

Listen below:

Sixx released his second book, This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx in April 2011. The book will be available in paperback on February 12th. An Amazon pre-order is available below.

This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx is part photo and part journal but all Nikki Sixx. It is a collection of compelling photography and stories that capture the rage, love, optimism, darkness, and determination that shapes his work. Combining the raw authenticity that defined his New York Times Bestseller The Heroin Diaries with a photographic journey, This Is Gonna Hurt chronicles Sixx's experiences... from his early years filled with toxic waste, to his success with Motley Crue, to his death from an OD and his eventual rebirth through music, photography, and love.

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