THE QUIREBOYS To Launch New Album During HRH Road Trip Ibiza

January 31, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news the quireboys hrh

HRH Road Trip organizers report:

Time to dump the winter blues and head for the sun as Ibiza’s fourth cycle of Rock N' Roll holidays comes to visibility and gets ready for the HRH onslaught to the white isle.

Ibiza may be famed for dance music, but when the Harleys start rolling and the Blackstar wall of sound reaches ear bleeding status, Ibiza knows that the imminent arrival of the big hair, denim n leather brigade is on the cards once again. With only 100 days to go, its time to start planning a true Rock N' Roll holiday with some of the best people on the planet. May will be our month and we cant wait to share another weeks worth, of beer, bands, booze, bikers n burning sunshine with you all.

There are a lot of new faces this year and a lot more on the wish list, expect all the local fun and camaraderie, the bikers, our European friends and all the local Spanish crowd that have turned up over the last 3 years. It is what it is, pure rock n roll in the sun.

We have 20 odd bands this year, plus a very special fancy dress ball. Krusher will be the man on the decks (while he’s still standing) and Bronco will do what he does best, with the snakes n' surprises (wasn’t he in charge of security?).

So, here they are… First of all we are delighted that THE QUIREBOYS have decided to launch their new album worldwide in front of the press and you lot in the same special party, the first since 2008 and from what I hear you will be surprised at the new sound and the quality material that’s being laid down as we speak.

We also welcome back WOLF and PIG IRON who did HRHRT1 but lets hope the Swedes can keep their clothes on this year.

Were down to the last 44 rooms, so sort your life out and get out of that shit weather quick and join a very special circle in Ibiza for some real fun.

Complete details at this location.

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