HALESTORM Vocalist Lzzy Hale Looks Back On Receiving Grammy Nomination - "The Look Of Shock On My Face Must Have Said It All..."

February 6, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news halestorm

On the official Grammy.com blog page, found here, HALESTORM vocalist Lzzy Hale looks back on the night she received word on stage that the band had received their first ever Grammy nomination.

Photo by Ariel Kassulke

Hale: "We were onstage in Madison, Wisconsin, when we found out that we were nominated for a Grammy. It was in the middle of our set, and I was settling down at the piano for our ballad, 'Break In'. I had just started conversing with the crowd, when I saw Joe (our guitarist) out of the corner of my eye running over to me from the other end of the stage. Joe whispered in my ear, 'We just got nominated for a Grammy,' to which I replied with a series of nearly unintelligible phrases.

The look of shock on my face must have said it all, because the front row started screaming 'What? What!?' I turned to the audience and announced, 'We just got nominated for a Grammy!' The crowd went apes***! None of us expected to get nominated; it was a dream, and something you say in passing, a silent wish. That dream has now come true.

Thank you so much to the Grammy voters for giving us our first Grammy nomination! It was the cherry on top of an incredible year. Here's to us!"

Halestorm recently checked in with the following anouncement:

"Since 'Love Bites (So Do I)' is up for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance at The Grammys, The Strange Case Of ... is available for just $5.99 on Amazon MP3 as part of Amazon's Grammy sale!"

This is a limited time offer. Use the Amazon widget at the bottom of the page to purchase.

The Strange Case Of… tracklisting is as follows:

‘Love Bites (So Do I)’

‘Mz. Hyde’

‘I Miss The Misery’

‘Freak Like Me’

‘Beautiful With You’

‘In Your Room’

‘Break In’

‘Rock Show’

‘Daughters Of Darkness’

‘You Call Me A Bitch Like It’s A Bad Thing’

‘American Boys’

‘Here’s To Us’

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