GLEN DROVER - Clips Now Available

March 2, 2013, 11 years ago

news riff notes glen drover

Guitarist GLEN DROVER (ex-MEGADETH, ex-KING DIAMOND) recently returned from Colorado, when he filmed his first instructional video for Drover contacted BW&BK; to let us know that Jamplay have posted several segments from the session online. Fans can sign up to learn from Drover and other players on the site need to sign up at this location.

The first clip and mini-jame segment can be viewed below:

Glen reports: "Was a great experience. Had a blast! I want to thank Dean Guitars, Blackstar Amps, Digitech and all the guys at Jamplay for making this happen. And to kick the whole thing off, here is a podcast interview I did with Jamplay on location while shooting the video."

More details about the instructional video will be revealed soon. Stay tuned.

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