NAUMACHIA - New Studio Report Available

March 2, 2013, 11 years ago

news life in black naumachia

Norwegian/Polish blackened death metal act NAUMACHIA is currently recording their new album. At the beginning of this year in Hertz Studio (BEHEMOTH, VADER) Naumachia recorded drums, bass and rhythm guitar parts for their upcoming yet-untitled fourth album. You can already check the first studio report with new music in the background below:

Naumachia is going to return to Hertz Studio in April to finish the recordings and focus on post-production. Lyrics for the new album will be written by Marcin Urbas (ex-SCEPTIC) who will also record vocal parts to one of the songs.

Naumachia comment: “The final outcome will be strong and clear. We’ve changed completely our sound of bass and guitars. Rhythm section sounds perfectly already at this stage. We’re having some surprises here and there – music sounds very fresh and vivid, has lots of melodies, blastbeats can be hardly spotted – seems like we’ve slowed down a bit. Almost everything was composed live. For many people is may be surprising album, but that’s exactly what we had expected. The compositions are great and we have no doubts that this will be the most mature effort of Naumachia. We’ve worked hard and long to achieve the sound we finally have”.

Naumachia's last, Black Sun Rising, was released in 2009 via Witching Hour Productions.

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