RAZOR Guitarist Dave Carlo - "I Hope You Can Expect To See Razor Live... I Have Been In Touch With The Original Band"

March 5, 2013, 11 years ago

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Axisofmetal.com's Paul Ferritto has issued Part 2 of a new interview conducted with RAZOR guitar legend Dave Carlo. An excerpt follows:

Q: Getting back to the modern side of Razor, are there any plans for any upcoming shows or festivals? Specifically any Canadian appearances? Overall, can we expect to see Razor live in the near future?

A: "I hope you can expect to see Razor live. I am rehearsing right now. I’m considering different versions of the band. I’m not sure if I’m going to use the old line-up or the new line-up. I have been in touch with the original band.

After the cancer diagnosis, everyone reached out to me from the old lineup; Mike Embro and Stace McLaren have been in contact with me. I have been together with Mike [Embro] and Mike Campgnolo, we’ve been banging out the old songs. Stace is coming to join us at some point, and we’ll be able to hear what that sounds like. Having said that, I certainly haven’t announced that the new Razor isn’t doing anything anymore, I’m still interested in working with Bob Reid. Also, I want to make sure I continue to work wth Bob. Bob does a wonderful job on Razor music as well. I’m not sure where it’s going to head right now, but right now I’m practicing with the old original Razor.

It should lead to some shows, but we’ll have to see. There is a lot of work ahead of us to get ready. It might be something where I’m ready to do shows with the old lineup and the new version of Razor. The future may hold that."

Read more at this location.

Read Part 1 of the interview here.

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