THRESHOLD - Making Of 'Staring At The Sun' Video Posted

March 20, 2013, 11 years ago

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A few months ago, British progressive metallers THRESHOLD kicked off a fan video contest for the song 'Staring At The Sun', taken from their album March Of Progress. In the end, the amazing effort by Achim Bieler from Germany saw him winning the competition. Check out the original clip below:

Since winning the competition, Threshold and Achim conceived a plan to shoot additional footage in order to edit a new, even more impressive version of the video. For this, vocalist Damian Wilson met Achim and his crew in South Germany to record the new footage. The magnificent outcome – the new, official video clip for 'Staring At The Sun' – can be seen below:

But it doesn’t stop here... Achim also edited a highly entertaining “making of 'Staring At The Sun'” video that lets us take a look behind the scenes of the set and grants us detailed insight on the post production works. Check it out:

Catch Threshold live:


11 - Kingston Upon Thames, UK - Celebr8 Festival

17-19 - Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Rock Hard Festival


5-8 - Sölvesborg, Sweden - Sweden Rock Festival

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