GOD OF ATHEISTS - Asgeir Mickelson Previews New Extreme Metal Project; Audio

March 30, 2013, 11 years ago

news life in black god of atheists

GOD OF ATHEISTS - Asgeir Mickelson's (ex-BORKNAGAR) extreme metal project with Trym (ex-EMPEROR) on drums, ICS Vortex (ex-DIMMU BORGIR, Borknagar) on vocals, Ihsahn (ex-Emperor) on keyboards and Carl A. Tidemann (ex-ARCTURUS, WINDS) on solos - continue to work on their debut which is expected to be released later this year.

Mickelson has just contacted BraveWords with the following preview: "Here's a clip from the provisional studio where Sareeta recorded violins for the God Of Atheists project. It shows the start of the song 'Fountain Of Emptiness". No bass, no vocals... Not finished... And it's the only really mellow part on the album."

"I can promise is that God Of Atheists is no commercial soft shit," Mickelson described recently.

Some tentative song titles are ‘The Sapient's Error’, ‘Cataclysm’, ‘I Am God’ and the previously-mentioned ‘Fountain of Emptiness’.

For more details visit Facebook.

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