VIRGIN STEELE's David DeFeis - "We Are Working On The Next Three Records Simultaneously"

May 1, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news virgin steele

Rockpages' Sakis Nikas recently conducted an exclusive interview with VIRGIN STEELE's David DeFeis, regarding the band's upcoming plans. Below is an excerpt:

Q: David, a few months ago you had told me that you were working towards the completion of three different records. As a matter of fact, two of them were based on a yet unidentified concept. What can you tell us about them and will all three of them see the light of day in the near future?

A: "Yes, Sakis, that is true we are working on the next three albums simultaneously. We do hope to have the first of the three out this year... (label willing). And yes the first one we wish to release is conceptual, but not necessarily in the sense of a step by step narrative like The House Of Atreus... however, that being said, there is an order, a progression and an evolution to the tale. I wrote the lyrics for this one with a very open style, so the listener can imagine themselves in the main role, and "feel" where the story is going. The "concepts" include ideas about duality, opposites, betrayal, hunter and hunted and how those roles reverse, the need for release, or letting go in a rigid society/world, ritual victims or scapegoats, masks... and all sorts of dying and resurrecting Godmen, Divine women, angels, and devils as usual. This album can be interpreted on many levels... I have my own specific thoughts concerning what each song is actually about, but like I said, I wrote it in an open fashion so the listener can really find their own personal meaning for themselves in there. For me it isn't necessary that the listener get my specific take on it. I think that everyone who comes to it will find something different within to relate to. Musically it does absolutely flow like a "concept" album... but lyrically the songs do relate to each other... and sometimes goes off on at first glance what might seem like tangents... but are actually all related on different levels.

The other collection of songs, or album (which is quite long), has a more Autumnal flavor... and is related to what will be the first release, if that helps. And the third album is a collection of tracks that are not necessarily at all related lyrically. That one is more like a Noble Savage, where yes the material relates or works together as an album, but is really a collection of different songs. If all goes well, the first one will be issued this year and the next one early the following year... or if we are super fast... I wouldn't mind having both out this year. We will also re-issue the next set of the catalogue... probably The Marriage Of Heaven & Hell and Invictus albums, again with bonus material. So there will be all sorts of new sounds coming out either way."

Read the full interview at this location.

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