KRAMPUS Check In From The Studio; New Material To Be Released This Summer

July 15, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news krampus

Italian folk metallers KRAMPUS have announced their collaboration with renowned producer Tommy Vetterli (ELUVEITIE, CORONER). The band has issued the following update:

"We are extremely excited to announce that we have entered Tommy Vetterli's renowned New Sound Studio in Switzerland! Not only are we recording some of the new material we've been working on for months now, but we have decided to break with current conventions (and restrictions!) and deliver the results to our fans mere weeks after recording - for free.

Rather than waiting years to produce a new album, we have chosen to pick two favourites out of all the material we've written and to record them with Tommy Vetterli, one of the genre's best producers today, less than a year after the release of our debut album. We are doing so independently and on our own terms! A first song will be released later this summer and we can't wait to share it with you. In the meantime, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates, including another very exciting announcement within the next 24 hours!"

More on Krampus at this location.

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