SIXX:A.M. - New Album Nearing Completion: "We Have Topped Ourselves"

August 11, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news sixx

Nikki Sixx, MÖTLEY CRÜE / SIXX:A.M. bassist and host of the syndicated radio show Sixx Sense, has issued the following update on the forthcoming Sixx:A.M. album:

"James has been with DJ in Vegas recording guitars on the new Sixx:A.M. album. We have a little ways to go to finish off the whole album but we're zeroing in on what the first single will be. It's not gonna be easy. I am so proud of this album from the ground up. These songs are very unique. James, DJ and myself feel we have topped ourselves but in the end you will be the ones who make that decision.

We have agreed on the album title and the artwork direction. Photo sessions, videos, going over album cover concepts and mapping out release dates are all hovering above our heads now. The excitement is growing and things looks great for us to play live at some point."

Sixx recently issued the following message to the fans:

"As an artist, I have really been riding a creative high lately. In the end I believe I was put on earth to create (anything and everything). I feel like I am in my zone lately. It's not easy to keep it up day after day, month after month and year after year but you soldier on. Eventually, if you've fallen out of your groove, you always find your way back home and if you focus hard enough on what you want to achieve, you will be even better at it than you were before. I see a lot of young artist's flame out so fast and I have to say the biggest secret to long term success (in any field) is to just keep doing it over and over and don't give up. Never quit. The crazy-makers and the naysayers will do there best to drag you down but only if YOU let them. 'Use them as motivation.'

So much exciting stuff coming up for Motley Crue, Sixx:A.M, Sixx Sense Radio and the Heroin Diaries broadway play.

It's all about forward progress and not perfection, just keep keeping on. I like to use Facebook and other social media outlets to connect us on a more human level, share my feelings,thoughts and update you in real time on whats happening.I like how you all do the same with me. Yes, I read as many posts as I can (time allowing) so thank you.

Positive thinking is the breeding ground for a positive life. Change your head and your life will follow......"

(Photo by John Lowry)

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