Guitarist DICK WAGNER - "ALICE COOPER Is The Most Perfect Writing Partner I Could Have Ever Written With"

October 29, 2013, 10 years ago

dick wagner news rock hard alice cooper

"Alice Cooper is a brilliant lyricist. He's full of ideas. He and I get along great", former ALICE COOPER bandmate and guitar legend DICK WAGNER tells Songfacts' Greg Prato. "All the writing we did in the '70s, basically he and I have the same sense of humor and same ability to write quickly and make decisions and edit ourselves as we go. So he's the most perfect writing partner I could have ever written with."

Another excerpt from Prato's interview with Dick Wagner follows:

Q: Something else besides all the great songs you wrote with Alice, I've also been a long-time fan of the LOU REED album that you were on, Rock N Roll Animal. As far as the dual parts that you wrote with STEVE HUNTER, do you think that was one of the first times that dual-guitar harmonies were used in hard rock? THE ALLMAN BROTHERS were around before that, but it seemed like your work on that album is what then led to bands like THIN LIZZY.

A: "With the combination of me and Steve Hunter on guitars, it was like that from the very first day. It was amazing, putting together two guitar players, and we made a conscious decision right from the beginning that we would divide up the leads and the rhythms so that neither one of us would be the dominate guitar player. It would be a pair, a duo, and it really worked great. We sounded great together. We have a similar touch of a guitar and our styles are similar, but yet different enough so you can tell. But I think that, yeah, we were very influential on a lot of bands. We still are - people still talk about Rock N Roll Animal. I'm very proud of that record, without a doubt."

Read the complete interview at this location.

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