MOTÖRHEAD's Lemmy Kilmister - "I’m Paying For The Good Times"

November 22, 2013, 10 years ago

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New York Times' Mark Leibovich has issued an interview conducted with MOTÖRHEAD frontman Lemmy Kilmister. An excerpt follows:

Q: I know you are having some health issues, and you just canceled Motörhead’s European tour. How are you feeling?

A: "I just feel really down. I’ll never get a job again. I’m paying for the good times, I suppose. It’s a mixture of all the things I ever did — and I did plenty."

Q: Do you have to stop drinking?

A: "I’ve already given up smoking. I drink wine and that’s it."

Read more at this location.

Motörhead guitarist Phil Campbell recently spoke with Wales Online recently about Lemmy health and explained, “Lem had a pacemaker fitted earlier in the year because he’d been suffering from irregular heartbeats, and then his diabetes started playing him up.

“But his ticker’s fine now and he’s made sufficient changes to his lifestyle and diet in order to combat the diabetes, it’s just that he felt he wasn’t 100% ready to go back on the road just yet. As a result we put the dates back a little bit to enable him to build himself back up to full fitness. Look, none of us are getting any younger, so Lemmy’s condition didn’t exactly come as a massive shock,” said Campbell, whose 15th studio album with the band – Aftershock – has just been unleashed. “But the older we get the more we tend to be there for one another and back each other up.

“The main problem is that he’s displayed such a hard persona all his life that it makes it difficult for him to let people in. He’s like the John Wayne of rock – always wanting to soldier on and handle things on his own, you know?”

Read more at Wales Online.

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