THE FLOWER KINGS Guitarist Roine Stolt - "I've Spent 10 Years Writing Classical Music But Don`t Have The Funds To Record It With A Real Orchestra"

November 25, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news the flower kings

Metal Express Radio recently caught up with THE FLOWER KINGS guitarist Roine Stolt. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Q: Banks of Eden marked your first album in five years. What had you been doing in the time since 2007`s The Sum of No Evil?

Stolt: "We had a little break from each other as up until that time we`d been going for over 15 years and we`ve toured Europe, America, South America and Japan so many times that we felt like we were stuck in the same position and there were side projects on the go so I felt that it was wise to take a break and do something else. I think that was healthy thing for us to do at that time. We didn`t decide to take a break for five years we just wanted to take a break and see what happened and it just happened to last for five years. Looking back I feel that it was the right decision even though some of the band members weren`t so sure and I understood their concerns as this was their livelihood but I think it worked out for the best and we came back a better band. I think everyone understands now that this was the right decision. We could all feel it in the studio that we were all on the same page. We wanted to make sure that the soul and the spirit of the music was there and I think we have achieved that."

Q: When did you start writing for this album (Desolation Rose)?

Stolt: "In my case writing is an on-going process. I write all the time and not just for The Flower Kings but also TRANSATLANTIC and AGENTS OF MERCY. I tend to write music then I see where it will fit. When the time comes to record with The Flower Kings I present what I have and we will work what we think is suitable for the band so I don`t write specifically for a certain band. I just write music and then decide where to use it. Sometimes I write music that doesn`t fit any of my current bands including pop music and even classical music. I`ve spent 10 years writing classical music but don`t have the funds to record it with a real orchestra, but maybe sometime in the future."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

The Flower Kings recently uploaded the first part of a studio video diary detailing the making of their new album, Desolation Rose, released in North America on October 29th.

Issued in a digipack, the release also includes a bonus disc. The artwork, once again created by Silas Toball, can be viewed below and the band had this to say about the forthcoming release: "Being somewhat of a political statement, the epic theme of Desolation Rose is a logical step in a time where perpetual war, famine, environmental threats, religious conflicts dominate the media and our minds. This is a time to wake up and the music on this album takes you on a journey where you are forced to questions what the mainstream media feed us and to rethink your whole world view on all of the above. This is in many ways a typical Flower Kings album but we have also taken it into another realm where we do take chances and where you may struggle to get into the music - or the lyrics - but trust me when I say that you will be rewarded, as this may be our most involved, important and interesting album ever."


'Tower ONE'

'Sleeping Bones'

'Desolation Road'

'White Tuxedos'

'The Resurrected Judas'

'Silent Masses'

'Last Carnivore'

'Dark Fascist Skies'

'Blood Of Eden'

'Silent Graveyards'

Audio preview:

More on The Flower Kings at Facebook.

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