CAVALERA CONSPIRACY Signs With Napalm Records

December 12, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news cavalera conspiracy

Napalm Records have announced the signing of CAVALERA CONSPIRACY. The thrash metal outfit, who released the critically acclaimed albums Inflikted and Blunt Force Trauma have signed a worldwide record deal with the Austrian based label. The band revolving around the legendary SEPULTURA brothers Max and Igor Cavalera is currently working on their still untitled third studio effort. Metal fans can expect another ground breaking and innovative record that will shake the foundations of the music scene!

Max comments: "I am so excited that Cavalera Conspiracy has signed with Napalm Records. This is gonna be our third album and it's going to be a brutal grind-core style. I am already working on the riffs, and it is going to come out next year. Get ready to be brutalized by Cavalera Conspiracy and Napalm Records!"

Igor adds: "I am very excited to record the new CC record...Me and Max have been planning this for a while, and all I can say is that it will be a "Brutal" record. Also I'm super proud to join Napalm Records, home of lots of amazing artists."

Stay tuned for more updates with regard to the highly anticipated follow-up to Blunt Force Trauma.

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