Kings Of Sleaze: THE MENTORS Rockumentary Streaming

December 19, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news the mentors

Filmmaker April Jones has released her newest rockementary, Kings Of Sleaze: THE MENTORS.

"The Mentors formed in 1977. Many have called The Mentors pioneers of shock rock. They were known for their offensive and perverse lyrics which caught the attention of many including Tipper Gore, who formed the PMRC (Parents Resource Music Center) Movement citing The Mentors for their shocking lyrics and labeling albums with “Parental Warning” labels.

El Duce, singer/drummer had controversial appearances including Jerry Springer and The Hot Seat. After overcoming El Duce’s death The Mentors have continued to keep El Duce’s spirit alive writing, touring and recording new material with drummer/ singer Marc DeLeon "Mad Dog”."

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