TORNADO In The Studio: Day 4 - "Catchiest, Sleaziest, Thrashiest"

January 10, 2014, 10 years ago

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Finnish/American sleaze thrashers TORNADO are currently in the studio working on a new album, entitled Black President. Following is an update from frontman/founder Joey Severance via Metal Shock Finland:

"All the hard work we put into those late night sessions seem to have paid off as we are now a bit ahead of schedule. Today was spent on recording the final leads. Both Tuomas and Timo were shredding their fingers off and the last song that needs to be finished is one called 'Flesh Crawling Nightmare' which we will send over to Israel so Michiel 'Big Maaaaan' Rutten can do some ripping solos. Normally we don’t have special guest on Tornado albums, but in this case Big Maaaan is the original guitarist and family (not to mention, he wrote the awesome music to this song)

Considering that there are only vocals left to do and the final mix, there won’t be much to report so this will be my last posting. Everyone has went home early today leaving Henri and I as the last two left in the studio. My plan is to start with the most difficult songs first and work my way down to the easiest. We put a lot of hard work into these songs making them the catchiest, sleaziest and thrashiest that we could. Hopefully we can find a label soon that will be willing to release it and put Tornado on the road!"

Watch Tornado's Facebook page for more.

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