February 3, 2014, 10 years ago

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PRINCE HARRY is a massive heavy metal fan, reports Daily Star's Helene Perkins. The royal is addicted to the music of bands including MEGADEATH, SLAYER, METALLICA and ANTHRAX, according to actor Dominic West.

Dominic, 44, said it was the only music that Harry, 29, would listen to on their recent Walking With The Wounded expedition to the South Pole.

He said: “Harry has a terrible selection on his iPod. It is the sort of thing soldiers listen to. Hardcore thrash metal.”

But Dominic, star of The Wire, said the Prince, who has flown Apache helicopters in Afghanistan, showed real talent when it came to keeping morale high with a string of “dirty jokes”.

He said: “Harry told eye-wateringly rude jokes, which for a non-soldier like me was quite shocking.”

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