Former RACER X Guitarist Bruce Bouillet Talks THE ORDER OF CONTROL - "I'm The Band, With Various Other Musicians Contributing Their Parts For Now"

February 10, 2014, 10 years ago

news racer riff notes the order of control

Former RACER X guitarist BRUCE BOUILLET is featured in a new interview with Guitar World's Dave Reffett discussing his new album, The Order Of Control. An excerpt is available below:

Reffett: How would you describe your path from the start through now with your new album, The Order Of Control?

Bouillet: "I took about an eight-year hiatus from guitar due to a hand injury. In that time, I stayed in the music business and produced and recorded. Around 2005 after producing a Grammy winner for MOTÖRHEAD, I started to play again and was able to get back to full strength. I released a couple of instrumental albums, which were on the lo-fi demo side. On this new record, aside from it being a full concept album with sequels, I really wanted to approach it like a big-budget album, meaning cutting drums in a real studio, having an SSL mix room with a pro mixer, using top musicians such as Glen Sobel from ALICE COOPER on drums and Dave Foreman on bass.

It was a bit more challenging money-wise, but the results speak clearly. I also spent a lot of extra time working on the writing. Instrumental albums can be challenging at times due to the lack of lyrics, so one must be able to set a mood and hold your attention with the melodies, structures, dynamics and arranging of various instruments, as well as some over-the-top playing."

Reffett: Your band is also called THE ORDER OF CONTROL, correct? Who's in the band and how did you come together?

Bouillet: "Yes, the album and the band are called The Order Of Control. The first few albums are instrumental and then the vocals will kick in. So really I'm the band with various other musicians contributing their parts for now. But when it turns to the vocal side, it will take on more of a full-band vibe. I'll be looking at someone to front the project in the upcoming months, but what is already written is the sickest stuff I've ever tracked."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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