IN THIS MOMENT Guitarist Chris Howorth Featured In New Heavy Metal Television Interview

February 14, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news in this moment

IN THIS MOMENT guitarist Chris Howorth recently spoke with Heavy Metal Television's Mercedes and took on some fan-submitted questions:

In This Moment have inked a deal with Atlantic for the release of their next studio album.'s Gary Graff reports that the band are eyeballing a return to the studio in late February in order to start working on a follow-up to 2012's Blood, which logged career-high peaks on the Billboard 200 (#15), Alternative (#5) and Hard Rock (#1) charts.

Guitarist Chris Howorth tells Billboard the quintet, which wraps up the Blood touring cycle last night, intends to start on February 23rd, working again with Blood producer Kevin Churko.

"We have a bunch of ideas," Howorth says, "and the way we did 'Blood' was different than we'd done any album before. We brought ideas and pieces and parts into the studio and wrote each song in the studio, one at a time. All the other albums we had the songs formatted and together already. So we're going to do the same thing again. We're gonna try to replicate the magic of 'Blood' and try to take the style and sound we had for Blood and just do it bigger and better while still keeping true to that same vibe. That's our sound. We feel like we found something and want to stick the flag in the ground on top of that hill."


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