THERAPY? Pre-Production In-Studio Update - "Cuts And Callouses"

February 24, 2014, 10 years ago

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THERAPY? is currently in the midst of pre-production for their 14th album, and frontman Andy Cairns has provided a progress report from the last three days in the studio:

February 21st - "Start rehearsing at 10:30am and get to work on arrangements for two songs before the producer arrives at 2pm and then we all take a break and knock about ideas of how we're going to work and how we'll record. Next, we're all in the rehearsal space and running through the tunes, trying different tempos and trying to find a pulse that fits each individual song.

The time flashes by and next thing we know it's 9pm and we've been lost in the noise for seven hours. It's been a really productive day and we call it a day. We've got a lot closer to finalising some arrangements, nailing tempos and even changed the bulk of one of the tunes to make it groovier and heavier."

February 22nd - "Down to the studio by 11am we set up mikes and run through the songs live and record the to see how they're sounding. Different tunings are tried out, choruses moved, middle eights slowed down, feedback added. By the evening we have eight songs recorded in a rough state as we would play them live. I've been singing for hours and my throat is rasping but in a good way, a way that tells me I've been enjoying singing. I've got cuts and callouses on my hands and it's another day when I know I won't sleep."

February 23rd - "We treat ourselves to a late breakfast and have an enjoyable day in the studio. It's just the three of us again today and we run through two songs. One is quiet and confessional the other a full-on fast song with Neil (Cooper, drummer) on top form.

Happy with twelve complete songs we break for the evening and plan more songs tomorrow. Looking forward to another week of working on this album. If it goes as well as the last few days I'll be over the moon."

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