EUROPE Vocalist Joey Tempest - "The Big Turnaround Was When I Was 14, Seeing John Norum Play In A Band"

March 31, 2014, 10 years ago

europe news rock hard

EUROPE vocalist Joey Tempest is featured in a new interview with Norway's Metal Express Radio. An excerpt is available below:

Q: Last year was your 30th anniversary. Do you feel like it`s been three decades since you started?

Tempest: "It doesn`t really feel like that long at all. It`s been an amazing journey for us and we`re so fortunate to be still be doing it after 30 years and still loving it too."

Q: When you first started did you think music would become your career?

Tempest: "I heard music on the radio from a really early age and I loved it. I wanted to emulate it. My sister had a guitar at home and a stand up piano that my parents gave to her, she`s 4 years older than me. I started copying DAVID BOWIE and ELTON JOHN songs on the piano and started writing my own songs even though I was very young. At 7 or 8 my father`s friend taught me three chords on the guitar and I locked myself in my room trying to learn how to play it. It was there all along and I knew even then that this is what I wanted to do with my life. I started my first band when I was 10 or 11 and it was called MADE IN HONG KONG and the big turnaround was when I was 14, seeing John Norum play in a band. He had also seen me in a band and we decided to form a band together and that`s how FORCE, our first band, came about and that`s how it all started."

Go to this location for the complete interview. Check out Europe's current tour schedule at here.

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