POLYPHIA Working On Debut Album; Start Album Fundraiser

April 8, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news polyphia

Hailing from the quiet suburbs of Plano, Texas, progressive rock outfit, POLYPHIA, is anything but mild-mannered. With a distinctly thought-out and well-orchestrated sound, the quartet pummels out blistering blast beats, and an onslaught of guitar shreds that blends, seamlessly, with melodic grooves and a humble intensity that never wears on the ear. Capitalizing on a "Standard of Excellence", the band wishes to inspire those who listen with their doctrine of uncompromised work ethic and self-motivated success.

That being said, Polyphia are hard at work on their debut album. The band is currently unsigned and doing everything on their own, so they have started an Indiegogo campaign to help cover the costs for the album. The band has offered special perks for contributors including: signed merchandise, CD's, LP's, meetings with the band, house shows and much more at this location.

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