MALRUN Parts Ways With Lead Singer Jacob Loebner

June 8, 2014, 10 years ago

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Danish metal band Malrun have parted ways with lead singer Jacob Loebner.

A press release reads as follows: "The decision has come about because of incompatible interests in the band. Malrun will continue with full strength, and is already making plans for the autumn. Jacob Loebner will continue his musical career as a solo artist or with other projects. Malrun is very pleased to announce that a new lead singer has already been found and that this break will in no way affect the band’s plans to grow even bigger. Danish powerball Nicklas Sonne will from now on be the front figure of Malrun, taking over the microphone on all upcoming shows and recordings. Malrun’s third album Two Thrones, where Jacob sings, will still be released as planned august 2014. We hope you will still positively support the upcoming album as well as our new single “Cycle of Abuse”, which will soon be released as a music video with Jacob. We also hope you will continue supporting us in the future, because without our fans there is no Malrun. Lastly, we hope you will check out Jacob’s solo project once new material emerges. Check out Malrun’s new lead singer Nicklas Sonne below:

Jacob states the following: “Our differences couldn’t be resolved, and the four other guys in Malrun have chosen to continue their journey alone. I am passionate about music and view this unexpected situation as an opportunity to rethink my creativity outside former frames. I am of course proud of the Two Thrones Malrun album and the vocal work I did on it and look forward to the album being released on August 29th. But at the same time I am already in the process of looking for new ways to express and release my music. So for those who would like to hear more of my music I expect to announce new projects within the near future. One project emerging from the fog now is a hardrock-based project with a clear pop twist where focus is on addictive and hook-based melodies. Another project emerging is an experimental thing digging deep into the roots of the old Danish folk and historic traditions and this ancient legacy will somehow meet and interbreed with modern rock and metal – so it will be immensely interesting to see what that journey brings. Stay tuned for more info soon from my side. Take care you all, all the best, Jacob”

Malrun states the following: “Although we are sad that Jacob isn’t part of Malrun any longer, we are convinced that it is the best decision. Malrun with Nicklas in front, is still driven by the passion and dream to break through and go on the road as much as possible. We fully believe, that this break will serve as a foundation on which we can build a great future in the new constellation. “Two Thrones” is still our baby, and we will of course perform songs from all of our three Malrun albums during concerts. However, we will spare no efforts to have new music with Nicklas on vocals ready for you as soon as possible."

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