DEUS OTIOSUS – Rise Streaming In Full

June 10, 2014, 10 years ago

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Rise, the third full-length from Danish outlaw death metal unit Deus Otiosus is out now on CD and digital formats via Deepsend Records. Deepsend has marked the occasion by streaming the album in its entirety on Bandcamp.

Rise features the following nine songs:

"Rising War"
"Iron Rule"
"Don't Fuck With The Dead"
"Breeding Maggots"
"Walk The Shadows"
"Stand Up And Fight"
"Will And Fear"
"Fall Of The West"

The following track-by-track commentary comes from guitarist and main composer, Henrik Engkjær:

"Rising War" - "An atypical opener; with it's pounding one-beat rhythm, "Rising War" alludes to the hastened heartbeats of those who are covered by the rising shadows of war."
"Iron Rule" - "When war is over and won, time has come to dorn the crown and establish a Hobbesian iron rule to oppress any possible opponent. The second song on "Rise" proceeds to do just that with it's fast and furious Machiavellian grab for power."
"Don't Fuck With The Dead" - "An old school death metal song with and old and familiar warning: Remember those who have died. Know history and draw knowledge from that."
"Breeding Maggots" - "A thrashing, speeding and scorcing song to listen to while searching out and destroying your enemies."
"Vultures" - "In war and conflict the victor will punish and oppress the conquered. And midways into the album, "Vultures" drags the pace down to the slow and heavy echoes of Prometheus' eternal enslavement and suffering."
"Walk The Shadows" - "Unlike Prometheus, not all dark, rebellious forces are tamed and captured. And in the rims of civilisation, darkness walks unchallenged and unseen. The fast and vehement raging of wild winds is here cloaked in eerie and demonic melodies."
"Stand Up And Fight" - "No one can rise up without defeating those who block their path. Here we have a violent metal song, that doesn't sound like an epileptic attack but more like a very real and fatal beating."
"Will And Fear" - "The works of Nietzsche, Poe and Lovecraft a.o. have long ago proven that those who seek greatness will always walk alone. Even though "Will And Fear" is another of the faster songs on "Rise", the songs definitely also treads it's own musical path."
"Fall Of The West" - "All things must end and so Rise ends with a Fall. But before the end complete, more atrocities remain. And so the closer and standout track of the album combines the thoughts of Orwell, Kaczynski and Lovecraft into suffocation dystopia."

"Iron Rule" can be streamed below:

“Don’t Fuck With The Dead”:

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