TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Director Paul O'Neill - "If It Wasn't For Vocalist Rob Evan, I Never Would Have Written 'Epiphany'"

July 2, 2014, 10 years ago

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Trans-Siberian Orchestra director and co-founder Paul O'Neill is featured in a new interview with on a variety of subjects including the New Year's Eve show in front of millions live and on TV, what happened to the missing reels of Savatage's Streets recordings, and future plans for TSO. An excerpt is available below:

Q: What in particular are you working on, is it all three albums or are you focusing on one in particular?

Paul O'Neill: "We're working on four now. Romanov, all the music is down, now it's just getting the right vocals down. But I will also say this, Romanov has by far the hardest vocals Jon (Oliva) and I have ever written. By the way, this year Rob Evan was just great because 'Epiphany' is just...the other day he got a standing ovation in Europe for 'Epiphany' and that's just Rob pouring his whole soul into it. God bless Rob Evan. He is a monster. Between the range, the capturing of the character, and also a lot of the younger singers he tends to mentor them. Everyone from Dustin Brayley or John Brink, they all look up to Rob. And again, if it wasn't for Rob Evan, I never would have written 'Epiphany'. I only wrote it because I knew Rob could sing it. And especially 'Epiphany' and 'There Was a Life' because Tran-Do was running on pure adrenaline...when you're in a war zone your body and mind are racing a million miles an hour and Rob captures that. I also love the one-two punch of 'Epiphany', it was intended that 'There Was A Life' I intended everybody to think this was how it was going to end, he was going to go back and save Lt. Cozier and that was the money song. Then, bam, Cozier's dead, this is not the money song, it's 'Epiphany', when Rob takes it to a whole other level. As you are probably aware, there's an eighteen-minute version of that song that I love."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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