DAVE NAVARRO - "My Advice To Up And Coming Rock Bands: Avoid The Major Label World Like The Plague"

November 19, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news dave navarro

THE PANIC CHANNEL guitarist Dave Navarro has issued the following answers to some questions sent in by fans during his weekly Spread Radio Live Q&A; session:

Q: What advice would you give a fan who is an addict having a hard time staying clean or sober?

Navarro: "Very simple: Get help! Do not try to do it alone. There are tons of self help groups out there. Communicate with people who understand your feelings. There are pretty much a couple of options and you tell me which sounds better: 1) Feel uncomfortable, let it pass and get through it. 2) Feel uncomfortable, get loaded and then find yourself both uncomfortable and having to get clean again. 3) Jails, institutions or death. (I am speaking to the addicts, not the occasional social drinker. Some people can control their using. The options I have laid out are intended for the ones, like me, who cannot.)"

Q: I agree with your position about "taking it back" and really admire what your accomplishing with SRL because of "crap" forced to be played by the media, however you seem to back and even enjoy many of the artists that are heard on the radio. Is your beef less to do with the music that is played and more about the controls they use to decide what is played and lack of variety?

Navarro: "Good question. I honestly just enjoy anything I think is good whether it's popular or underground. I am not one of those Indie Vinyl Nazi's! I don't avoid everything popular just because it's popular. I don't give a fuck! You are right that my problem has to do more with the industry's position of only supporting what they think will generate a financial return immediately. We no longer have what used to be called Artist Development. My advice to up and coming rock bands is to avoid the major label world like the fucking plague. It is really falling apart. Let them have the Hip Hop and the Pop acts. They seem to do well and hell, I like some of them, However, if your intention is to do something different, left of center and new, do it yourself. Technology is now at a place where we can do that."

Go to this location to check out th ecomplete Q&A; session.

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