CLAWFINGER Issue Recording Update

November 23, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news clawfinger

Sweden's CLAWFINGER have issued the following update from frontman Zak Tell:

"So (guitarist) Bård (Torstensen) is in town since Sunday evening and we've started another round of writing and recording, so far, so good, so what, as MEGADETH entitled one of their albums many years ago ;D

Anyway one more demo track is completed, hooray, there is hope and not only that, it so happens to be a positive little fucker of a song with a "pop" chorus and all just to make things even more fun :D

We've spent today, Wednesday, working on a calm little moody track, I'm not quite sure how much we've actually managed to do on it or change it for the better but small babysteps are sometimes required in order to find the way, we'll see what happens!

We're having a short break right now and then I think we're going to pick out a new track to work on, I have no idea which one will end up being molested by us bastards but they've all got to be beaten up, pushed around and fucked with until they sound good so it doesn't really matter, the work continues! It's fun at times, a fucking pain in the ass at others and occassionally the best fucking job in the entire world, all depending on the results obviously, yeah I know I should shut my negative fucking mouth and just pretend it's superdooper happy positive creative fun all the time but I try not to lie so I won't!

Well on that note I'm signing off. As always I'll try and keep you posted, remember patience is a virtue so hang in there and learn how to master your patience, you're going to need alot of it! :D

Nuff respäck!"

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