AFTER FOREVER - Prague Symphonic Orchestra To Be Featured On Forthcoming Album; Details Revealed

November 25, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news after forever

AFTER FOREVER recently issued the following update on the recording of their forthcoming album:

Recording the choir:

"Since we were very pleased with the choirs on Remagine, we decided to work with the same choir again. After Joost made all the arrangements together with Floor, we had the first two days of November to record everything. Floor, Previn, Amanda and Rannveig came to the studio and after we'd set everything up and spent a little time rehearsing, we got the sound we wanted! We needed some more time to record this time, since the new album has quite a few more choir parts than Remagine, and there are also more versatile parts. Again we've managed to get the best out of the choir and we're very satisfied with the sounds even bigger and more powerful than before!"

Recording the Prague Symphonic Orchestra:

"Since After Forever is always searching for new and exciting things to add to our music, we've decided to work with a full symphonic orchestra this time. Since Joost studied arrangements at the conservatory, it was something we could do ourselves, and we could keep it close to our own style of songwriting.

We got some tips about a famous orchestra in Prague that records a lot of music for Hollywood movies. Their sound was said to be amazing and their professionally in working and recording with bands had been proven. On the 26th and 27th of October, André, Sander, Gordon (Groothedde) and Joost spent two days in the beautiful city of Prague. One day was to enjoy the city and one day to record the orchestra. Both days were great, but of course the day of the recording was what we came for. When the orchestra started to play the arrangements Joost had made for the new songs, we were blown away immediately and we knew that this was going to give us a very cool result...exactly how we had it in mind! It sounded big, epic and very powerful! After we came back from Prague, Joost and Gordon started working on the edits and mixes. This will all be finished shortly. One thing is for sure...we can't wait to play the new songs in their full glory for our fans!

And...what happened in Prague, stays in Prague ;o)"

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