WARRANT Commence Work On New Material; DVD Forthcoming

November 27, 2006, 17 years ago

news rock hard warrant dvd

Sleazeroxx.com spoke to WARRANT singer Jaime St. James (BLACK N' BLUE) recently about a number of topics including commencing work on a new studio record and live DVD. A few excerpts from the chat found here follow:

SR: Has Warrant started putting down ideas for new songs already?

JSJ: "Hell yes, we never stop working. We've got some killer tunes already. I'm not going to give away any titles yet but trust me it's getting exiting already."

SR: What about a DVD, any plans to release something like that?

JSJ: "We have put together a DVD for Born Again. All 12 songs done studio style with creative footage cut in. There is the making of the CD and extra live on the road stuff. It's a lot of fun and should be ready soon."

SR: It seems that every 80s band that separates eventually gets back with its original members, do you think it is inevitable that Jani Lane returns someday? And if so, how does that make you feel?

JSJ: "Anything is possible but I don't see it happening at this time. I don't worry about stuff like that. I live for today."

SR: What was it like being in Black 'N Blue and watching bands like Warrant reach a much larger audience, and then later down the road be fronting them?

JSJ: "It's weird, I never thought I would be here but I love it. Black 'n Blue was a great band but it just never went thorough the roof. I was always glad for other bands that went big but I'm still playing music all these years later so I must be doing something right."

SR: A new Black 'N Blue album has been rumored for years, what is going on with it? Is it slowly becoming the newest Chinese Democracy?

JSJ: "It is in limbo right now due to circumstances beyond my control. To be honest, the master tapes are locked up in storage in Oregon with Jeff Woop Warner and he is missing in action a lot of the time. I do hope to finish it some day because it's really good. Hey Woop 'are you out there?'"

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