TRAIL OF TEARS Frontman: "This Is Not The End!"

November 30, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news trail of tears

With the imminent release of Existentia on January 30th, 2007 in North America, Napalm recording artists TRAIL OF TEARS are in a bit of a quandary, and much speculation has ensued. Therefore, founding vocalist Ronny Thorsen has released this official statement:

"Dear all,

The following lines are written in the attempt of clarifying the news that have been circulating in the past few days. There is really no easy way of telling this, so I will try to explain to the best of my ability.

On the 26th of November, Trail Of Tears completed a 10-date tour of Mexico, a tour which was in large part ridden with organisational problems and resulted in a severe financial loss for everyone involved. As a result of this, I was called to the band hotel on the morning of November 28th, asking for a meeting by the remaining members. Arriving to the hotel, I am instead given a message, lasting a mere two minutes, that because of the situation they have decided to end the band effective immidiately. The decision has been made entirely without my consultation and approval, and thus Trail of Tears is NOT dead and will continue in a new shape and formation. [emphasis added]

Needless to say, I am very disappointed by the decision and the way that this has been handled by the leaving members. I have tried my very best best reasoning with them, stressing that the timing could not be worse and that in fact they are violating future obligations with a decision made in a moment of frustration in the aftermath of this tour. I have even offered to cover the several-thousand-euros financial loss out of my own pocket in order for them not to worry about paying their bills and so that we can focus on our already-agreed obligations towards label, tour organisors and the countless people involved. This was not accepted; however, they made sure of giving me all their account numbers before running back to Norway.

I am truly ashamed by the lack of insight, understanding, and responsability the leaving members have portrayed with this decision, with absolute disregard to the fans who have bought tickets for the upcoming tour, which we now have to cancel, and to all the parties involved who have invested a large amount of work and money in the upcoming release, Existentia. The decision to leave a band is an individual choice and I respect that to the fullest, but it does under no circumstances justify the leaving members violating obligations and making decisions for others, going public with something that has not been approved.

Despite the situation, I want to thank the leaving members, each and every one of you, for the amazing times we have shared; I will always consider you my brothers, friends and family.

Great chapters have been written and more are in the making.

This is not the end!


Ronny Thorsen, Trail of Tears."

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